Why Do Elevators Need Smoke Protection?

Why Do Elevators Need Smoke Protection?

In this day and age, many buildings are equipped with elevators in order to make the navigation of various floors more simple. Hospitals, apartment buildings, office buildings, hotels and various other types of buildings have elevators that serve as their main form of vertical transportation. Elevator shafts typically open to all of the floors in a building, and in the event of a fire, those shafts can serve as a chimney- spreading dangerous smoke from one area to the next. This can make safe evacuation nearly impossible for individuals who are on upper floors.

Since failure to install a high quality smoke containment system at all elevator openings can be detrimental in an emergency, it is essential that contractors and building owners research their smoke protection options. There is a wide variety of smoke containment systems available on the market, and while most are extremely effective in preventing the spread of smoke through elevator shafts, all are not created equally. In order to obtain maximum protection from smoke, consumers should opt for a smoke containment system that offers effective protection from both fire and smoke, does not require power in order to operate, and is able to be synchronized with the building’s fire safety system.